Atticus, Lucas and grandmother Nancye
Bobby and daughter Erica
Kim, Bobby and Kim's dad Bruce
Bobby Master Carver
Bruce Nascar Fan
Bobby stil carving.
Everyone chatted live with Paul and family in Oklahoma.
Nancye chief cook and dishwasher.
Basement overflow.
Erica, Joey and Emma.
Erica, Joey and Judy.
Erica and Joey.
Jo and Lucas.
Jo, Lucas and Dennis.
Joey and Lucas with the new dog.
Joey and Nancye.
Kevin, Liz and Sarah.
Joy, Liz, Dennis, Sarah, Lucas and Atticus.
Barbara, Lucas, Joy, Sarah and Dennis.
Joy, Dennis, Liz and Sarah.
Living Room pre-lunch snacks.
Liz and Sarah of Roanoke. Liz 2nd year UVA student.
Bruce, Ryan Kevin and Erica.
Jo in living room.
Bath Paintings.
Bedroom paintings 1.
Bedroom paintings 2.
Hall pictures and paintings.
Hall pictures and paintings.
Hall paintings
Kids bedrooms paintings.
Kids bedroom paintings.